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E-mail members of House Leadership TODAY about House Concurrent Resolution 61!
The Legislative Message Line is closed because of weather, so we need to EMAIL legislators today!

Send an email to members of leadership today (see list below), asking them to assign HRC 61 to a committee and support transparent, open redistricting in Kentucky. 

Copy and paste this message in the email or say it in your own words. If your representative is a member of leadership, be sure to let him or her know you live in his or her district. 

Please assign HCR 61 to a committee and support its passage to create an open redistricting process.
Kentucky needs a transparent redistricting process with opportunities for public input, before you vote!

Members of House Leadership:

House State Government Committee Chair

House Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Intergovernmental Affairs Committee Chair

Email your representative in the House. 
Go to  Who is my Legislator?
Click on your House member name and email him or her from their home page. 



  • Redistricting is one of the most important duties of the legislature.

  • Every 10 years, after census data has been collected, legislators must redraw Congressional, state House and state Senate district boundaries to assure one man, one vote--as close to equal population numbers per district as possible.

  • 2020 Census data will be released in late September 2021 and districts need to be redrawn for the 2022 election cycle. 

In the past, district lines have been drawn behind closed doors, with no hearings or public input. In these contentious, partisan times, this work must be transparent, with public hearings and opportuntities for public input. 

House Concurrent Resolutoin (HRC) 61 - would do just that, but it must be assigned to a committee and be heard in order to pass.

Ask members of leadership to ASSIGN HCR 61 to a committee and support it's passage to provide an open and transparent redistricing process.

For more information, check the League's website here.

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